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Normal Skin


What is normal skin?

What is Normal Skin? Skin types are largely determined by genetics, but 90% of how the skin ages is within our control. Normal skin, or eudermic (medical term for healthy skin), is the ideal skin type and is a term widely used to refer to well-balanced skin. Overall, sebum and moisture are balanced and the skin is neither too oily nor too dry. Skincare routines are done to support the skin rather than “combat” a problem.


Some typical characteristics of Normal Skin

1. Preserve Moisture

With the proper skin care routine, diet and lifestyle, our body’s processes and hormones that affect the skin can remain balanced and healthy.

3. Avoid overexposure
& skin damage

You should wear sunscreen every day, in every season, to protect your skin from damaging UVA and UVB rays. Remember to stay out of the sun between 10 am and 2 pm, when the sun’s rays are the strongest.

5. Maintain a healthy
diet & lifestyle

Making the right choices inside and out is key to good skin. We can recommend not only applying skincare topically, but integrating our Adaptogen Drinks into your daily routine.

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2. Promote well-aging

From the age of 25 onwards, the dermis and epidermis begin to slowly change structure so it’s recommended to integrate skincare that helps the skin age in a healthy way.

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4. Wash your face

Even normal skin isn’t impenetrable. Make-up residue and environmental particles can lead to inflamed pores. It’s important to support a healthy balance with facial cleansing and the right skin care routine.

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The Wild Leaves Skincare Routine

Our face wash, algae serum, face oil and rich cream skincare routine are great for moisturizing and hydrating, supporting well-aging, and protection against the elements. 


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Did you know that 70% of the skin is made up of water? The skin needs 30% of hydration to function in a healthy way. It’s important for normal skin types not to neglect their skin since it is not a demanding skin type. Making sure that the skin’s barrier function remains intact, sebum production is regulated, pores remain cleansed and the cells continue to be nourished are all key to maintaining healthy, even skin.

Like all other skin types, people with normal skin should keep things like acidity and inflammation in the body in check – inside and out. As normal skin ages, it can tend to become dry, so it’s also important to have the right skincare routine in place and to know when the skin needs more moisture, nutrients, antioxidants and overall support.


Gut Health is Skin Health

“The gut and the skin are organs with crucial immune and neuro-endocrine roles and are uniquely related in purpose and function. The intimate relationship between these organs is referred to as the “skin-gut axis” and numerous studies have linked gastrointestinal (GI) health to skin homeostasis.”

The gut and skin are both organs, and their intrinsic relationship is known as the “skin-gut axis”. Based on numerous studies that have linked gastrointestinal health to skin homeostasis, we now know that skin health is an inside and outside job. More than 70 percent of the body’s immunity is located in the gut with trillions of naturally occurring bacteria and fungi, known as our gut microbiome. The skin-gut axis is how the gut microbiota communicates with the skin mainly through intricate interactions with the immune system to regulate systemic and local inflammation.

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The skin microbiota, like the microbes present in the gut are able to interact with the immune system, helping to maintain skin homeostasis by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria found on the skin and decreasing inflammation. (rewrite). It is evident that many environmental factors such as diet and psychological stress can influence the gut microbiome, which can directly or indirectly affect skin health. 

The food you eat isn’t just nutrition for you, it also feeds the bacteria that live in your gut, known which in turn feeds the rest of our bodies – including our skin organism. Cultivating a balanced gut-skin connection is key to maintaining healthy vibrant skin – and beyond. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said thousands of years ago, “All disease begins in the gut”. It’s a good idea to “listen to your gut” when you want to know how to achieve and maintain healthy skin. 

Look after your gut microbiota and your skin will flourish

To help maintain a health gut-skin connection, check out our Adaptogen drinks that you can drink as a coffee replacement or as a cozy in-between break. Coffee hits the stomach, adrenals and organs hard – including the skin. It also adds acidity to the body which can knock the associated organs and systems out of homeostasis. 

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